Datos personales

domingo, 25 de enero de 2015



1. Landscapes
    1.1.- Natural and man-made landscapes
    1.2.- Natural features
     1.3.- The Soil

A landscape is everything we see around     us.
- Landscapes can be natural or man-made.

1.1.- Natural and man-made landscapes.
- Natural landscapes.

·         They have lots of natural elements and little human intervention..
·         Some have an important ecological value like Sierra Nevada or Doñana and become protected nature reserves.

Man-made lanscapes.

·         They are adapted or created by humans.
·         They have lots of artificial elements.
·         They can be rural and urban.:
            Rural landscapes can be villages, fields, farms, etc.
            Urban landscapes can be cities, factories, airports, etc.

1.2. Natural features
The natural features that define a natural landscape are its relief, rivers, climate, soil, vegetation and fauna.

Relief: This is the shape of the landforms, like the mountains and plains.

Rivers: They are continuous currents of water. The water in lakes, ponds, seas and oceans also affect the landscapes.

Climate: This is the atmospheric weather of an area over a period of time.

Soil: It is the layer of ground where plants and animals live.

Vegetation: It is the group of plants that grow in an area.

Fauna: It is the group of animals that live in an area.

1.3- The Soil
-       - The soil is the layer (capa) of ground where most plants and animals live.

It It is made up of inorganic materials like rocks or water, and organic materials, like fallen leaves (hojas caidas) or the remains (restos) of living things.
-       There are different types of soil:

            Granite soils (suelos graníticos):  They are made up of a rock
                                                                called granite.

            Siliceous soils (suelos silíceos): They are made up of slate (sílice).

             Clay soils (suelos arcillosos): They are made up of clay (arcilla).
                                                            They are very good for farming (cultivo) because they 
                                                             are very fertile.

             Limy soils (suelos calizos): They are made up of limestone (cal).
                                                         They are less fertile than clay soils.

             Sandy soils (suelos arenosos): They are made up of sand.
                                                                We can see this type of soil on beaches.



1.-Copy and complete these sentences in your notebook.

            - A ____________________ landscape has little intervention, but ____________________           
              landscapes have been adapted or created by humans.

-                                 -   The natural elements that define a landscape are its __________________, 

_                   ______________ , _____________________ , __________________________ , 

                     ___________________and  ________________ .

-                                    -  Soil can be _____________ , _______________ , ___________________ ,    

                     _________________and _____________ .

2.- Tick the correct option to complete the sentences.
a. Soil is made up of...
organic materials made of a mixture of rocks, fallen leaves and water.
rocks, water and organic materials like fallen leaves.
b. Natural landscapes are...
the relief, climate, rivers, plains and fauna in an area.
the relief, climate, rivers, vegetation and fauna in an area.

2. Label one of the following words and match them to the definitions:
     dam,          man-made landscape        valley.

1.    A landscape adapted or created by humans. ____________________

2.    A low area between mountains. ____________________

3. Construction used to block the water flow and make a reservoir. _______________

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